Teeth Cleaning: Procedures, Benefits, Types

Maintaining a regular dental cleaning leads to a healthy and confident smile. The literal motive of Teeth cleaning is to eliminate plaque and tartar formation on the teeth and under the gum line to mitigate the probability of cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. Teeth cleaning is a great way to make sure that teeth remain healthy and that there does not exist any significant oral health considerations that evolve with the teeth and the supporting structures. 

Dental Cleaning Procedure and Types

A physical evaluation of teeth and gums before the dental cleaning is noteworthy for the dentist to monitor for any symptoms of gingivitis or other potential concerns. However, in some cases, X-rays need to be taken to rule out any abnormality followed by treatment or a referral to a specialist.

A treatment plan can be made to address the requisite needs after all the assessment data is collected and a diagnosis of the present conditions is made. The frequency of radiographs taken relies on a few key parameters like a patient’s age, existing oral health, risk for disease, and any signs or symptoms of oral disease.

The cleaning commences after the assessments and recommendations are over.

Different types of teeth cleanings for various issues:

  1. Prophylaxis Cleaning: A preventative cleaning, prophylaxis refers to an action to eliminate a disease. This procedure is generally used for individuals with overall good dental health, plaque and tartar are eliminated from the front, back as well as in between the teeth during a prophylaxis cleaning. This accounts for a full evaluation of your mouth and teeth and a rigorous cleansing by using an ultrasonic scaler, pick, or other tools to eliminate tartar, plaque, and calcifications.
  2. Scaling and Root Planing: This is also termed deep cleaning. Scaling and root planing are carried out on patients who have been affected with gum diseases which include gingivitis or periodontitis. This procedure includes-
    • Scaling: Elimination of plaque and tartar from the evident part of the teeth and the gum pocket below the gum line.
    • Planning:Once the clearing is over,  all the gum pockets of plaque and tartar will be. The root surface is smoothed, which makes reattaching of the gums to teeth easier. In some cases, local anesthetics and multiple dental appointments are needed to complete scaling and root planing. 


  3. Periodontal Maintenance: Periodontal maintenance is vital for those with gum disease. Unlike gingivitis, periodontitis is irreversible with treatment. However, both these gum diseases are escalating and continue to get worse if not treated, gradually leading to tooth loss. Periodontal cleanings are generally continued until the proper management of the symptoms. 
  4. Gross Debridement: This is performed when no routine teeth are cleaned. Gross Debridement is generally recommended for people who have delayed dental consultation or teeth cleanings for some time and have a substantial formation of plaque and tartar. Initially, plaque is removed with a scaler tool, and then a special electric tool is needed to loosen and eliminate tartar from the teeth because tartar is hardened as it has been in place for a while.  

What is Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride treatment is the final step of the cleaning procedure and is used as a safety weapon for the teeth to aid in fighting against cavities for several months.

A foamy gel is placed into a mouthpiece that fits over the teeth and is left on the teeth for a minute. Fluoride varnish is painted onto the teeth with a small brush. The varnish hardens when in contact with saliva; however, one may eat and drink it immediately after the procedure 

Advantages of Deep Cleaning Teeth

One might need a deep cleaning if gum disease pulls gums away from teeth, forming a space greater than 5 millimeters deep. If gum disease worsens, the space between the gums and teeth may continue to widen and this can weaken the bones that support the teeth, leading to tooth loss.

The chief benefits of this procedure are-

  •  Ceasing the formation of gum disease and treating the infection and thus promoting healing
  • by cleaning the teeth above and below the gumline thereby eliminating bad odor caused by gum disease.

We provide top-notch and affordable teeth cleaning services in Dubai. Contact us to consult our team of highly qualified dentists in Dubai

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